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Boost your KPI Metrics in Every Internal Meeting with AI Copilot

Skyrocket your team's and 1:1 meeting performance with Journey's AI meeting copilot, using KPI targets and seamlessly fit your workflow.

Align Your Team With Your Mission

1h 30m

Average time saved in meetings


Average boost in KPIs


Seamless integrations

1. List your KPIs 

List the KPIs and targets you need to measure, set up a space for recurring meetings, and let Journey help you with managing your meetings by understanding their context.

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More Context, Better Results

2. Streamline Journey to Your Workflow

Integrate seamlessly with your existing tools, such as Slack, Teams, and various task management platforms, to gather KPI updates, fitting into your workflow without the need to change your whole routine.

3. Sync Your Calendar

Link your calendar to Journey, allowing our AI bot to join your meetings and provide contextual insights tailored to your KPIs


Trusted by Leadership Across Industries

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Fast Growing Chaos is Costly.

Pre-Meeting Prep

Collect Open Issues And Highlights

Journey proactively gathers issues and highlights via Slack or Teams, ensuring everyone is prepared. It provides relevant KPI targets and current progress, giving participants context before the meeting starts.

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AI Meeting Agendas

Enhance your meetings with AI-powered agendas tailored to your team's needs that automatically organize discussions, prioritize key topics, and ensure that every meeting is productive.

In-Meeting Management 

Interactive Meeting Flow

Journey shares the meeting agenda in the Zoom chat, keeps track of time, and signals when discussions deviate or become time-consuming.

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Interact With Journey Directly Through Voice Commands

Just say "Hey Journey" and Journey will apply

Post-Meeting Follow-Up 

Meeting Summaries and Action Items

Journey automatically generates and distributes meeting summaries and action items via email, Slack, or Teams, ensuring nothing is missed. It sends action items directly to your task management platforms, streamlining follow-up and enhancing accountability.

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AI-Driven Bottleneck Insights

Our AI identifies key meeting bottlenecks, such as external and internal dependencies and delayed projects, to enhance team productivity. 

Online Workshop

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